The Design Guide for Steel Framed Carparks (SCNZ – 19:2001) has been prepared to assist engineers, architects, quantity surveyors, builders and developers produce cost effective preliminary designs for steel carparks. The publication complements “Economical Carparks – A Design Guide” published by Onesteel.
A number of schemes have been developed based on the commonly specified floor systems in New Zealand. These schemes include down stand beams (hot rolled and long span cellform and welded sections) supporting trapezoidal metal deck slabs (55mm,60mm and 80mm), light steel joists and precast flooring (double tees with insitu topping).
The multi-level carpark is a unique type of building: one in which all the elements of the structure are normally exposed and the structure is subject to moving vehicular loading. Furthermore the column grid is typically governed by the car park layout. Specific issues associated with class of structure will be discussed including seismic design, durability and fire.
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