Steel eccentrically braced frames are expected to sustain damage during a design level earthquake through repeated inelastic deformation of the active link.
Steel eccentrically braced frames are expected to sustain damage during a design level earthquake through repeated inelastic deformation of the active link. Repair is therefore expected to be costly and disruptive, even if the structure has met its goal of providing life safety during an earthquake. The replaceable or removable active link concept addresses these drawbacks as it allows for quick inspection and replacement of damaged links following a major earthquake, significantly minimising the time to reoccupy the building. The development and research of eccentrically braced frames with removable links is covered in Steel Advisor article EQK1005 (in preparation at the time of writing this article). This article presents the design methodology for eccentrically braced frames with removable links. It focuses on the design and detailing of the link, and where necessary, modifications to the design procedure for conventional EBF’s. Readers not familiar with the global seismic behaviour and design of eccentrically braced frames should consult HERA report R4-76. Steel Advisor article EQK1007 provides a worked design example to illustrate the application of the proposed eccentrically braced frame with removable link design procedure.
Kevin Cowie; Alistair Fussell; Martin Wong; Charles Clifton; Dmitry Volynkin